
Friday 27 May 2016

Something about me

Today at school we was  learning to do a character description about superhero and it was really cool also we did about physical feathers and behaviours and when we finshed it we did a sentence and when we finshed the writing we did the success  criteria.It was impotant because it has success criteria.

Thursday 26 May 2016

Today at gymnastics we did handsand and we did some stradel. Also today we did some modrbike landing and today we did bune hope.

Tuesday 24 May 2016

Stop Go Animation Station

Kia orana blogging world,

My writing is about the lemon in the sea.One day we went to the sea and we went under the sea to look for the babies mother and when the lemon found the mother he went back up the sea.But one day they went looking for his dad and when they find his dad they all were happy. and the lemon was gone back home in his small boat also they had lived happily ever after.

I hope you enjoy it
Your sincerely 
From hadiya

Monday 23 May 2016

Today setoga class went to hockey and we learned about hockey that's why we went to hockey and also it was really amazing and it was really cool.Also we learned about really cool staff at hokey and the mans name was mr Brayin he touch about hokey that i now and that's why we go hokey all the time saw that's all what i needed to saw.Thank you

Friday 20 May 2016

About lying

Hi my name is Hadiya and today I am going to talk about lying so lissen. One day me and maila was playing outside and then I kiked maila and maila was criying then we told the teacher said what happen maila maila sad hadiya hit me and I sad I didn't hit her so that was a liy.

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Using my sense to discibe an object

Kia orana blog world.

I have been learning to use my sense to describe an object. This is an screencastify of me reading my work.I thought it would be great idea to make a screencastify   because then you can listen to my work and give me some feedback.

My screencastify

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Wala performance

Today I watched a great performance also there was to men who did the performance.It was really great and we was clapping and we was dancing when the two men was saying a song in there language.Also other people was drumming and we was singing the song and it was really really fun.Then when they did the performance again it was fantastic and amazing also it was an exhilarating experience.Also they came from's sound was really great it looked like this sound is from New Zealand.

Friday 13 May 2016

welcome to my blog post

                                            Hello welcome to my first blog post.Today we have had really great fun.