
Friday 27 May 2016

Something about me

Today at school we was  learning to do a character description about superhero and it was really cool also we did about physical feathers and behaviours and when we finshed it we did a sentence and when we finshed the writing we did the success  criteria.It was impotant because it has success criteria.


  1. Kia orana Hadiya. Writing about Superhero's sounds super exciting! I really like how you have explained the writing process you used today. Parts of your comment didn't make sense because it only had one full stop. Quick tip: remember to reread your comment to check it makes sense. If you do this in a quiet voice you can often hear when you naturally stop talking at the end of a setnence. That is where you need to put a full stop. Thank you for sharing you learning.

    From Miss Fortes

  2. Kia orana Mrs Fortes

    Thank you for your positive, thoughtful and helpful comment.That is really lovely that you have did a positive thoughtful and helpful comment.Thank you for sharing the comment
